State Integrity 2015

Published — November 9, 2015 Updated — February 2, 2018 at 11:15 am ET

How does your state rank for integrity?

The 2015 State Integrity Investigation finds it doesn’t look good

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5 years ago

When will this be conducted again? Curious as to how the changes that occurred in the last rounds of elections will have changed any of this, if at all.

Dave Levinthal
Dave Levinthal(@dlevinthalpublicintegrity-org)
5 years ago
Reply to  Kandiace

Kandiace — While we don’t have plans at the moment to update the findings from 2015, we’ve continued to do a considerable amount of reporting on state-level political issues. You’ll find that work here (and keep an eye out for some major investigations soon):

Ann Kenevan
Ann Kenevan
5 years ago

How many politicians in Illinois have made license plates?

5 years ago

To whom it may concern,
Your “How does your state rank for integrity?” study has been an extremely useful tool in navigating the many state laws on the numerous issues it studied, to help us craft better polici proposals. While it might, possibly, not be the most traveled part of your website, it might be one of the most valuable to society and those of us working on improving it. Please do not take it off line.
Currently all the links have been severed into the different states. Please consider relinking them for public access again.