Broken Government

Published — December 10, 2008 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Lack of armored protection for troops

The U.S. military didn’t give troops enough armor because they assumed troops wouldn’t face an insurgency


The U.S. military failed to provide adequate body armor and armored vehicles to soldiers and Marines fighting the Iraq war. Key assumptions made before the invasion and early in the occupation of Iraq proved faulty: namely, that the Iraqi people would welcome the United States’ presence and that the American military would not face an insurgency. In April 2003 military supply chiefs told the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Army Strategic Planning Board, led by General Richard Cody, that there was enough body armor and that the 50,000 troops behind the front lines did not need armor, according to a 2005 piece in The New York Times. By mid-May, as troops behind front lines faced attacks, Cody reversed that decision and ordered body armor for all, “regardless of duty position.” The case was similar for military vehicles. According to an Army history: “When OIF [Operation Iraqi Freedom] began, as in every previous war the U.S. Army has fought, logistical vehicles were largely unarmored or lightly armed. . . . The ‘360-degree’ Iraqi insurgency once again exposed the danger of this approach.” The early missteps were soon compounded by other problems. It took time for the bureaucracy at the Pentagon to move; for example, at one point, the Army’s equipment manager reportedly reduced the priority level of armor to the same status of socks. Also, DOD relied on several unproven contractors, which led to delays. The result was that for too long too few troops had adequate armor in a conflict that turned out to have no front lines. Soldiers almost anywhere in Iraq could be targeted, especially by the insurgents’ weapon of choice, improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Between the beginning of the conflict in March 2003 through November 1, 2008, 2,145 troops were killed and nearly 21,000 troops were wounded by IEDs and other types of explosive devices in Iraq.

Following critical media accounts and intense congressional scrutiny, the Pentagon belatedly embarked on massive acquisition programs to procure more body armor armored Humvees, and MRAP [Mine Resistant Ambush Protected] vehicles. The DOD press office did not respond to a request for comment, but in July 2007 the Pentagon chief of procurement said the MRAP program is “the fastest moving major program in the Defense Department, and the program is not being handled in a business-as-usual fashion.”

Read more in Money and Democracy

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