Barriers to the Ballot Box

Published — October 15, 2020

50 states of disenfranchisement


Barriers to voting that disproportionately impact Black, Latino and Native American communities are not exclusive to the group of mostly southern states formerly subject to federal oversight under the Voting Rights Act.

From disenfranchisement of people who have formerly been imprisoned, to strict voter ID laws and restrictions on absentee balloting, every state in the country has laws on the books or practices in place that prevent equal access and representation.

As part of “Barriers to the Ballot Box,” a project of the Center for Public Integrity and Stateline, an initiative of Pew Charitable Trusts, here’s a state-by-state look at disenfranchisement in 2020.

Click on a state below to read about obstacles facing voters in this fall’s election.

Or click on a headline below to read more.

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