Money and Democracy

Published — June 10, 2010 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

American Maritime Officers react to CPI investigation, amend lobbying disclosures


Someone at the American Maritime Officers (AMO) headquarters has been very busy in the past month.

On May 9, the Center for Public Integrity reported on a stunning long-term pattern of Lobbying Disclosure Act violations by the union, and a lack of oversight by congressional offices tasked with ensuring the accuracy of such reports. A review of the organization’s filings revealed that the labor union had been illegally listing the same out-of-date list of lobbying issues for a decade.

Following an inquiry by the Center, the Secretary of the Senate’s office — which, along with the office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, is legally required to “review, and, where necessary, verify and inquire to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness” of lobbying reports — notified the union of the violation and gave them 60 days to respond.

Between May 19 and May 28, the AMO filed 25 new reports amending every filing from 2000 to 2009. These amended forms, unlike their original filings, seem to correctly chronicle the union’s lobbying activities over those time periods. In fact, the new forms are among the most detailed the Center has ever seen, even listing the days on which no lobbying took place.

Dana McCallum, superintendent in the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, told the Center in a letter that following receipt of the amended forms, the office intends to close its file on the matter.

The AMO did not respond to a Center request for comment.

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