You Report: Election 2010

Published — September 30, 2010 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

You Report: Election 2010

Help the Center for Public Integrity and the Sunlight Foundation Uncover Campaign Dirty Tricks, Robo Calls, and Corporate Ads for the Midterm Elections


The Supreme Court’s ruling in the Citizens United case opened the floodgates for corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money trying to influence the midterm congressional elections in November. Campaign reporters Josh Israel, Aaron Mehta, and Peter Stone, with the help of the Sunlight Foundation’s Campaign Ad Monitor, are mobilizing the Center’s supporters to detect in real time examples of political dirty tricks, corporate ads, persuasive “push” polls, pre-recorded phone messages — “robo calls,” and efforts to discourage voters from showing up at the polls.

  • Click here to report a campaign ad on television or radio that was clearly paid by corporate or union backed group. This information is being compiled by the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation and will aid the Center’s reporting.
  • Click here to send us details on a robo call or campaign mailer you received.
  • Click here if you think you’ve witnessed a suspicious survey, an effort to scare voters away from the polls, or a campaign dirty trick:

You can also submit audio, video, or images of any ads you’ve seen or received by sending us an email: We’ll take YouTube uploads, scans of flyers/mailings, or any other links you find.

Read more in Money and Democracy

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