Money and Democracy

Published — December 20, 2011 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Tyler joins Gingrich PAC, big ad buy imminent


Winning Our Future, the super PAC recently set up to boost Newt Gingrich’s campaign, has recruited long time Gingrich aide Rick Tyler to play key roles including some fundraising.

Insiders say the PAC is crucial to offsetting the battering that’s been inflicted on Gingrich from negative ads including a multi-million dollar barrage in Iowa run by Restore our Future, the super PAC backing Mitt Romney.

Tyler, who was press secretary for Gingrich’s campaign but left after a few months, told iWatch News that a national radio ad buy is “imminent” and that a large television buy is in the works as well.

Tyler said that Becky Burkett who started the super PAC “has been very busy and is getting great responses,” as she’s reached out to many big donors including some who have had ties to Gingrich historically.

Burkett herself had strong links to Gingrich before the campaign: She spearheaded fundraising for two years for Gingrich’s now defunct political committee, American Solutions for Winning the Future, which raised $54 million in under five years.

Tyler would not comment on whether any of the big donors to American Solutions, including multibillionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson, had written checks yet to the new super PAC. Adelson was by far the largest donor to the PAC by dint of his $7.7 million in contributions. American Solutions also pulled in many six-figure checks from energy and real estate interests, among others.

Tyler said that besides fundraising, he will act as a liaison with other super PACs backing Gingrich including Solutions 2012 which was started first to ensure effective cooperation.

These super PACs are crucial to Gingrich’s prospects since his campaign was in the red earlier this month. The PACs can accept unlimited donations from individuals and corporations but are legally barred from coordinating its activities with the campaign.

These super PACs have mushroomed this year since the Supreme Court ruled early last year that companies, unions and individuals can give unlimited sums to groups for advertising that directly backs or opposes candidates.

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