Takings Initiatives Accountability Project

Published — October 25, 2006 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Country Singer Enlists In Washington ‘Yes’ Forces

Michael Martin Murphey backs Initiative 933 in ads


Self-described “cowboy singer” Michael Martin Murphey has lent his music and endorsement to Washington’s Property Fairness Coalition and Initiative 933. In a pair of radio spots, the Grammy Award-winning musician sings the praises of I-933 over an instrumental section of his popular song “Wildfire.”

The coalition’s Web site mentions that the ads await “Paid for by” taglines.

“Yes on 933” Radio Ad 5: “Michael Martin Murphey 30-Second Spot”

Hi, this is Michael Martin Murphey. From my first album, Geronimo’s Cadillac, to Wildfire, to my new album,Heartland Cowboy, I’ve been singing about the wide-open spaces of the great American landscape. And I’ve come to realize that ranchers and farmers are wonderful protectors of land and resources. But today, they face the taking of their land by unjust means, as all Americans do. If government damages the use and value of your land, government should be made to pay. It’s an idea that’s spreading like wildfire. Vote “yes” on 933.

“Yes on 933” Radio Ad 6: “Michael Martin Murphey 60-Second Spot”

Hi, this is Michael Martin Murphey. From my first album, Geronimo’s Cadillac, to Wildfire, to my new album Heartland Cowboy, I’ve been singing about the wide-open spaces of the great American landscape. As I’ve traveled all over America the beautiful, I’ve come to realize that farmers and ranchers are wonderful protectors of land and resources. But today, they face the taking of their land by unjust means. When I first got involved in this issue, it was about rural people. But today, all Americans — urban and rural — face the threat of unjust taking of their land. If government damages the use or value of your land, government should be held accountable and made to pay. It’s an idea that’s spreading like wildfire. Vote “yes” on 933, or you may be next.

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