Takings Initiatives Accountability Project

Published — October 31, 2006 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Arizona HOPE Unveils Third TV Ad

“I’m here because some bureaucrats want to take away this house…”


The chief proponent of Proposition 207, Arizona’s Home Owners Protection Effort, has released its third television ad in favor of the measure.

Like two previous pro-207 spots, it highlights the specter of eminent-domain abuse and glosses over provisions of the ballot initiative that would compel state and local governments to pay property owners for environmental and land-use regulations (including zoning rules) that could reduce the value of their holdings.

A small-print disclaimer at the end of the ad, as with the earlier ones, lists major out-of-state funding from the Fund for Democracy, which shares political activist Howard Rich’s address in New York and describes itself as “a revocable trust dedicated to assisting citizens assert their constitutional rights,” and Americans for Limited Government, a tax-exempt organization in Chicago that Rich chairs.

“Yes on 207” Television Ad 3

I’m Debbie Richards of Queen Creek. If you told me I’d be in a TV ad, I’d say, “You’re nuts.” I’m here because some bureaucrats want to take away this house — my home. Some developer will get it and I can’t stop them. You’re thinking: Can they do that? Yes, they can. But Prop 207 will change that, to protect your home. And 207 will make them compensate you when they hurt the value of your property. Prop 207 could save my home — and it might save yours.

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