The Center for Public Integrity’s iWatch News is offering a variety of ways to follow the money this election cycle, particularly the flood of funds that have come in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision.
- Get breaking news from iWatch staff on Twitter at @iWatch and follow politics reporters Michael Beckel at @mjbeckel, Aaron Mehta at @AaronMehta, and engagement editor Cole Goins at @colegoins.
- Check out our Tumblr blog, maintained with the Center for Responsive Politics, to keep an eye on the flow of money in the 2012 elections.
- And read substantive investigations into the presidential candidates and the elite donors to “super PACs” backing them at the Consider the Source project.
Super PACs can collect unlimited amounts of money from individuals, unions and corporations to spend on advertising to elect or defeat candidates. Each of the major presidential candidates has at least one super PAC backer.
The Consider the Source project profiles each of these groups, as well as several that focus on both the White House and Congress. They include:
- Priorities USA Action, which supports the re-election of President Barack Obama
- Restore Our Future, which supports Mitt Romney
- Citizens for a Working America PAC, which also supports Romney
- Red, White and Blue Fund, which supports Rick Santorum
- Leaders for Families, which also supports Santorum
- Winning Our Future, which supports Newt Gingrich
- Strong America Now, which also supports Gingrich
- Revolution PAC, which supports Ron Paul
- Endorse Liberty, which also supports Paul
- Santa Rita Super PAC, which also supports Paul
Among the party-centered super PACs profiled:
- American Crossroads (Republican)
- Majority PAC (Democratic)
- House Majority PAC (Democratic)
- American Bridge 21st Century (Democratic)
Failed GOP presidential candidates also had super PACs backing their candidacies. They include:
- 9-9-9-Fund (Herman Cain)
- Make Us Great Again (Rick Perry)
- Our Destiny (Jon Hunstman)
The FEC maintains a list of super PACs, along with their filing status, online here.
Read more in Money and Democracy
Money and Democracy
PayPal co-founder gives $1.7 million to pro-Ron Paul super PAC in January
Thiel’s total contributions to ‘Endorse Liberty’ reach $2.6 million
Money and Democracy
Adelson expected to give another $10 million to pro-Gingrich super PAC
Total giving from billionaire and family would reach $21 million
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