You Report: Election 2010

Published — October 1, 2010 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

California Republican lampooned in tropical ad


As election ads paid for by third-party groups begin to flood U.S. airways, one group seeking campaign finance reform is running an ad blasting a California Republican who has protected the current election financing system. The ad lampoons Dan Lungren, now seeking his 9th term representing the suburbs of Sacramento, California, as a bathing-suit-wearing-fatcat using a legal loophole to get a free Hawaiian vacation.

The ad was created by Campaign Money Watch, a group which describes itself as “dedicated to improving America’s campaign finance laws.” Campaign Money Watch, a project of the Washington-based Public Campaign Action Fund, reported on Sept. 27 that it spent $28,718 to produce and place the TV ad called “Hawaii Five-Oh.” The ad was funded by a $50,000 transfer from the Public Campaign Action Fund’s account.

The ad takes Lungren to task for travelling to Hawaii on his campaign committee’s dime, while he opposed a bill that would establish a partial public financing system for Congressional elections. The ad features surf music and video of a topless Lungren walking, in slow motion, amidst a tropical setting.

Lungren, the top Republican on the Committee on House Administration, has been a leading opponent of both the DISCLOSE Act and the Fair Elections Now Act (FENA).

Lungren’s campaign office did not respond to requests for comment.

Ad Title: Hawaii Five-Oh

Paid for By: Campaign Money Watch

Cost: $28,718

Disclaimer: Paid for by Public Campaign Action Fund’s Campaign Money Watch. Not authorized by any candidate or political party. Public Campaign Action Pund’s [sic] Campaign Money Watch is responsible for the content of this advertising.

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