Money and Democracy

Published — November 24, 2008 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Bundler to bring party to the White House


News that Desiree Rogers, a Chicago businesswoman, has been named White House social secretary by the incoming Obama administration pinged our “Barack Obameter” — our measure of just who will wield influence in the new administration.

Like a few appointments before her, Rogers was a major bundler for the Obama campaign, delivering more than $200,000, according to Public Citizen. Currently the president of social networking for Allstate Financial, Rogers also personally maxed out with her donations to the Obama campaign, giving $2,300 during both the primary and general elections.

And while the title reads more tea and crumpets than high-stakes power broker, Rogers will be responsible for all social events at the White House. So, if you want to get the president-elect’s ear, you’d do well to be nice to her.

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