Inside Public Integrity

Published — November 1, 2016

Use Center for Public Integrity resources for tracking money behind Election 2016


Election 2016 is on track to be the most expensive in U.S. history. For months, the Center for Public Integrity’s money in politics staff has been investigating the candidates and political groups behind the over $2 billion raised so far in the race for the White House as well as the tens of millions of dollars that has been spent on TV ads in state-level races.

For expert commentary and analysis on super PACs, “dark money,” spending in the states, Hillary Clinton’s considerable war chest and Donald Trump’s supposedly self-funded campaign, we offer access to some of our most skilled reporters and editors to reporters.

For interviews with our federal politics team, including Political Editor and Deputy Executive Editor JOHN DUNBAR; and politics editors and reporters DAVE LEVINTHAL, CARRIE LEVINE and MICHAEL BECKEL; as well as state politics project manager KYTJA WEIR, please contact communications director Sophia Qureshi:, 202-997-4211. Or email our reporters directly.

  • To learn how much has been raised, spent and is still available for spending in the presidential race, through the latest campaign filing deadline, please visit this all-in-one interactive, available here.
  • To learn how much has been spent on the ad wars in federal races, visit this interactive, here.
  • To learn what state races have been the most costly, visit this interactive, here.
  • To learn who is behind secretive “dark money” groups and super PACs visit our Source Check feature here.
  • To learn more about the races, read some of the Center’s investigative profiles and analyses of the campaign so far by visiting our Buying of the President 2016 page.

Founded in 1989, the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Public Integrity is one of the country’s oldest and largest nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organizations. Our mission: To serve democracy by revealing abuses of power, corruption and betrayal of public trust by powerful public and private institutions, using the tools of investigative journalism.

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