Divine Intervention

Published — November 30, 2006 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

The team

Meet the team behind Divine Intervention


ICIJ Director: Wendell Rawls
Editor: Diane Brozek Fancher
Editorial Projects Coordinator: Leah Rush

Writers: Sheetal Doshi, Prangtip Daorueng, Alejandra Fernández Morera, Sarah Fort, M. Asif Ismail, Daniel Kalinaki, Patrick Kiger, Adri Kotze, Victoria Kreha, Anna-Maria Lombard, Arthur Okwemba, Olayinka Oyegbile, Devin Varsalona, Marina Walker Guevara

Translators: Kaleyesus Bekele (Ethiopia), Guy-Claude Jean-Baptiste Jr. (Haiti)

Researchers: Susanna Hamblin, Rakesh Kalshian, Rachel Leven, Sarah Laskow

Associate Editor: Tom Stites
Copy Editors: Marcia Kramer, Tonia E. Moore
Research Editors: Michelle R. Harris, Elizabeth Levine, Peter Newbatt Smith
Database Editor: Helena Bengtsson
Graphic Designer: Jyoti Sauna

Network Administrator: Chatchai Sae-Tung
Web Site Architect: Han Nguyen

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