Global Muckraking

Published — June 17, 2011 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Investigations Around the World


The Chilean Centro de Investigación Periodística reported that the takeover of the Central University by a private company sparked demonstrations by students and professors who fear losing the school’s non-profit status and turning over control of its property, faculty and half of the university’s operations.

The Nigerian news website Next details the plunder of a N950 million Millennium Development Goal grant meant for the education of the nation’s nomadic tribes and families with high rates of illiteracy. An investigation by the governing board of the National Commission for Nomadic Education found that the agency, entrusted with building schools and teaching children, has instead pocketed most of the funds.

KHOU-TV in Houston found that underground drinking water pipes, water tanks and plumbing in central Texas have become radioactive – mostly from high-levels of naturally occurring radium in the soil. A report issued in 2001 warned officials of “relatively high” levels of radium in drinking water in the region, yet was ignored.

“Investigations Around the World” is a regular ICIJ feature designed to showcase great investigative reporting across the globe. We are always looking for stories to highlight, so please send your links to

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