Global Muckraking

Published — July 25, 2011 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET

Investigations Around the World


An investigation by Al Jazeera television found that strict prescription drug laws in developing countries, intended to prevent the illicit trade in narcotics, are also cutting sick people off from pain medication.

Santiago-based Centro de Investigación Periodística found that the Chilean tax system favors mining companies through low taxes and generous incentives for business development, resulting in big profits for the companies.

The Detroit Free Press reported an alleged misuse of funds by the city’s Human Services Department. It reportedly opted to spend $200,000, intended to feed and clothe the poor, on luxurious office furniture.

“Investigations Around the World” is a regular ICIJ feature designed to showcase great investigative reporting across the globe. We are always looking for stories to highlight, so please send your links to

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