
Published — December 31, 2001 Updated — May 19, 2014 at 12:19 pm ET


A snapshot of ethics practices in Illinois


Oversight Summary
Oversight Survey

Illinois is one of 27 states in which no outside agency oversees ethical conduct of state legislators. It is one of 18 of those states where no ethics agency oversees any aspect of disclosure. Illinois is among seven of those states — including Indiana, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and South Carolina — in which an outside agency is setup to oversee other divisions of government.

More Info

What, if any, ethics agency exists in the state?

Illinois has the State of Illinois Board of Ethics, which is authorized under Executive Order 77-3 (ie, not in statute). The board administers a personal economic disclosure program covering 10,000 appointees and employees. Jurisdiction does not extend to legislators, members of the judicial branch or people holding elective office in Executive Branch.

If the above agency does not oversee legislators, is legislative oversight defined in statute?


Are there state statutes that address ethical conduct for legislators?

Yes. It is the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act – 5 ILCS 420/1-101. In regard to legislators, the act contains “Restricted Activities,” “Rules of Conduct for Legislators” and “Ethical Principles for Legislators.”

When were the ethics statutes enacted?


Where do legislators file outside interest disclosures?

Illinois Secretary of State. See Info Resources.

Where do legislators file campaign finance disclosures?

Illinois State Board of Elections

Where are lobbying disclosures filed?

Illinois Secretary of State, Lobbyist Division

Note: Some information provided by the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws’ “Ethics Update” 2000. For more information or to purchase the reference, visit

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