Primary Source

Published — April 14, 2013 Updated — May 12, 2014 at 5:26 pm ET

GOP super donor Bob Perry dead at 80

Notable homebuilder among most prominent contributors ever to Republicans


Texas homebuilder Bob Perry, who ranks among the nation’s most generous donors to Republican candidates and causes, has died at age 80.

Perry is perhaps best known in political circles for helping bankroll an aggressive media campaign against Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry as part of a 527 political committee known as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

During the 2012 election cycle alone, Perry contributed $23.5 million to a variety of GOP super PACs.

They include:

  • $10 million to Restore Our Future (pro-Mitt Romney)
  • $8.5 million to American Crossroads (pro-Republican)
  • $1 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund (pro-Republican)
  • $1 million to Independence Virginia PAC (pro-George Allen)
  • $1 million to Club for Growth Action (pro-conservative)
  • $1 million to Freedom Fund North America (pro-Denny Rehberg; pro-Rick Berg)
  • $600,000 to Texas Conservatives Fund (pro-David Dewhurst)
  • $250,000 to Freedom PAC (pro-Connie Mack; pro-Allen West)
  • $100,000 to Make Us Great Again (pro-Rick Perry)
  • $15,000 to Maverick PAC USA (pro-Republican)

Perry also financially supported multiple Republican presidential candidates at once last cycle, donating early in the election season to Mitt Romney, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who Bob Perry has long backed at the state level. (The two men are not related.)

For a full Center for Public Integrity profile of Perry, click here.

Read more in Money and Democracy

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